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The Encourager: He is Faithful


Where would we be without God's faithfulness? Where would you be without it? We don't even have to think back far to ask this question. God's faithfulness and consistency is seeing us through right now. So, let's just take a moment right now and ask ourselves, "Where would I be if God didn't show up for me? Where would I be if God didn't direct my paths?"


Proverbs 3:5‭-‬6 KJV

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths.

Did You Know?

God is faithful and He is just. He is sovereign and still chooses to show up for us over and over again. Regardless of the situation we put ourselves in, God is still faithful to us. One thing that's 1000% sure, God is going to show up!

Footprints is one of my favorite poems, it used to touch my heart as a young girl. The more I read it, the more I was grateful for God seeing me and carrying me. As we are trusting in the Lord with all of our hearts, He is fulfilling His promises to lead and guide us.

You Can Do it!

Because God is consistent...because He is always don't have to be afraid. You don't have to be worried. You don't have to be concerned. You don't have to fret! The Word says that His promises are yes and amen; we can trust that. We can definitely trust that! So, yes, you can do whatever you set your mind to do. It doesn't matter how big or small your goal because God is faithful to see you through it all!! Trust His Word and lean not to your own understanding. God will direct your paths. It is a guarantee! Amen.

Connect With Me:

If you are enjoying my weekly blogs and want to know how or where to follow me for more encouragement, you can find me on social media under the handle @thecrystalmroberts via Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram. You can also join my group via Facebook, God Knows Your Measure. Feel free to share this blog with someone that they may be uplifted and encouraged as well. As they say and I believe, "sharing is caring".💛


Be strong knowing that God will not fail you. I love you and I appreciate you very much. You are so special and (you guessed it) simply amazing!!! Have a blessed week!!

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2 commentaires

Tyswana Lee
Tyswana Lee
05 août 2022

We love a consistent God!!!!!!!

Crystal Roberts
Crystal Roberts
30 août 2022
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