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The Encourager: Just Another Day...

Oh to be kept by Jesus!! The song is on my heart, "Just another day that the Lord has kept me..." He has kept me from my own negative thoughts, and from being consumed by life's happening.

Last week, I talked about how faithful God is. Just like He always does, He pulled me out of the fog my Apostle spoke on yesterday. To be clear this morning has me so grateful.

So today, this week... I encourage you to keep pushing forward. Look beyond your circumstance and know that God is able to keep you. Regardless of where you are

..regardless of how bad you may be beat up by life... I am a witness that God is a keeper. He has kept us another day, another week. As they say, "He didn't have to do it, but I'm SO glad He did! God saw fit to call your and my name one more time. He is not through with us just yet. If you've given up, guess what..God is STILL keeping you! If you've thrown in the towel...God is STILL keeping you. If you feel like your strength is failing you...God is STILL keeping you. Let's depend on His strength.🙌

Be confident in that His promises are concrete. He hasn't forgotten about you, your rising this morning is proof. This week...give God another chance. He won't fail you...He will keep you for that is who He is and what He does. Believe that. Trust that. Walk in that.

A scripture I will leave you with this week is Ephesians 6:10-12. It reads, "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." The enemy will not stop. He will continue to come on every side to wear us out. But I thank God for His keeping power, and for making a way for us to always get back to Him. 🙌

Connect With Me:

If you are enjoying my weekly blogs and want to know how or where to follow me for more encouragement, you can find me on social media under the handle @thecrystalmroberts via Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram. You can also join my group via Facebook, God Knows Your Measure. Feel free to share this blog with someone that they may be uplifted and encouraged as well. As they say and I believe, "sharing is caring".💛


Thank you all for be a part of this journey with me. I truly do appreciate you taking the time out to read each blog I post. If there more you would like to see or receive, please email me or send me a message via chat on my website. I look forward to hearing your feedback. Have an amazing week!

Remember: God has confidence in 💛ou!

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2 commentaires

Tyswana Lee
Tyswana Lee
05 août 2022

It’s been so much clarity since he preached that word. 🖤

Crystal Roberts
Crystal Roberts
30 août 2022
En réponse à

Absolutely, sis!!!

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